Wilhemina BeyanProgram Director, Social Entrepreneurs for Sustainable Development (SESDev)


    Wilhemina B.O. Beyan is a Programs Director at the Social Entrepreneurs for Sustainable Development (SESDev) in Liberia, a position she has held since May 2014. Prior to this, she has worked as a Deputy Director for Programs at the Foundation for Community Initiatives (FCI) in Liberia and as a Projects Coordinator at the Conservation Foundation, in Ghana. A strong focus of her work has been on natural resource management and governance and in particular building capacities of forest fringed communities and other local communities to enable them protect and secure their rights in concessions (mining, logging and agribusiness). Whilst at FCI, Wilhemina, worked with women to increase their involvement and participation in natural resource governance and management. Currently her responsibility at SESDev has been designing and initiating programs that support development models which promote social, economic and environmental justice particularly for those most marginalised from; at the same time directly impacted by current development processes such as logging, monoculture plantations and mining extractions including rural communities, women and youth. She also advocates through evidence based researches that ensures that concession companies’ developments are sustainable and conforms to standards and regulations.
    Wilhemina has 13years experience working in the NGO sector.